We’re Making Progress!

We’re Making Progress!

Many of the most time-consuming parts of the renovation of the former Mt Vernon Veterinary Clinic building are over. The plumbing is done and the electrical complete. The roof repairs have been tended to and tons and tons of refuse, junk, muck and more have been...
Room Naming Opportunities Now Available

Room Naming Opportunities Now Available

We’re making progress! Soon there will be a private humane society and adoption center in Franklin County! But to achieve the next step of our historical journey, finish the repairs, purchase the equipment needed, hire and train a team of dedicated staff and...
Rounding out January with Roof Repairs

Rounding out January with Roof Repairs

Yes, that is a man on the roof!  With the electrical almost done and clean out continuing, our roofer is hard at work making the repairs needed to keep our pets dry even in the hardest rains.  Luckily the forecast looks dry and hopefully he can get things taken care...